Friday, August 6, 2010

This week we celebrated our school birthday and this event surpassed all expectations. Our school council managed to give everyone a 'piece of cake' - in this case a muffin iced in our school colours while our new school flag fluttered proudly as it was put on display. Thank you for this gift school councillors. Our visitors for the morning all commented favourably on the school, the students and the occasion. Well done everybody and a special thanks to Amelia Carson, the world's best cake maker, for our Spreydon birthday cake! It is also worth while noting the other significant roles and duties that our students take in events such as this. The day involves their ideas, their secrets, their actions. The birthday assembly is hosted by our school pupils, with Ruby and Angus expertly leading the way, while the work behind the scenes from icing the cakes to cleaning up the cooking all has to be planned and taken care of. Our staff all support the event and take their role in ensuring the students are at the centre of the event. Again, a huge team effort and well done everybody.

The other major even of the week has involved our sporting teams at winter tournament. Two close seconds and stirling team efforts from our students proved how hard our students work and can apply themselves to the event. Team coaches, supporters and managers all work so hard to ensure things are right on the day, thank you everyone for this commitment.

It is always pleasing to receive feedback on these events and this week was no exception . Parents have commented to me on how well our students worked on the day, their excellent behaviour and their team spirit. These comments have been shared with the students. We look forward to the remainder of the term including a little more sunshine on some dry Thursdays so that our regular cycle of sport can progress.

Next week we look forward to our literacy quiz on Thursday evening, I will include a report on this event when my blog is next prepared.